Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Running Goal: Week... may have noticed that I haven't made any posts lately.  (Or, not, if you don't really care about any of this, but, for the sake of my ego, let's assume you do care.)  There are a few reasons for that.  The first, and most obvious, is that I haven't been running.

I've still been going on bike rides or walking or doing my physical therapy exercises at home, but I haven't been able to run much lately because of the heat and humidity we've had here lately.  For example, yesterday, when I went on a bike ride with my friend Beth, I was huffing and puffing and felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest, making it that much harder to do simple tasks.  Even the inhaler hasn't been helping recently.

The other reason... well, here's a look at it:
Nah, I didn't need that toe...
Last night, I made the mistake of walking into the living room in the dark too quickly and had an unfortunate encounter with the ottoman.  Basically, the second to last toe stopped moving and my foot kept going.  Just be glad I didn't show you a picture of it before I wrapped it up - it looks like a rainbow trout.  So, with the broken toe, I'm going to refrain from running for a little while since, with the new style I've been trying out where you run on the ball of your foot, you are supposed to allow your toes to do a lot of the work.  Sigh.

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