Friday, November 30, 2007

Travel Writing Blog

Wait! I found one.

Tech Session Blog Link

I was looking for blogs on travel literature because that's what I'm working on for my thesis and found that there are a lot of blogs where people list their interests as both "travel" and "literature" but very little information on actual travel literature.


Instead, I have decided to link to a blog that I check on a regular basis that is maintained by a former advisor of mine. It's called Infocult: Information, Culture, Policy, Education and focuses on information and its culture, history, and role in teaching. He also has a lot of articles on the gothic and cyberculture, especially in literature.

There is a particularly interesting article on the rather humorous reason that a politician decided to resign from his post.

Well...I laughed.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts Discussion

After our discussions in our tech session, I'm getting excited about possibly introducing a blog to my classes. Yay.

Oh, by the way - the title of my blog is because I like books and I like giraffes. They're tall. So am I. Ergo, you get the picture.